The Tango of Tech Debt: A Data Engineer's Balancing Act 

Ever felt like you're in a never-ending tango with tech debt? You take two steps forward, delivering a crucial feature, but then one step back as you grapple with an unresolved bug. It's a familiar dance for many data engineers, a constant negotiation between technical elegance and immediate customer value.

This week at Plato Elevate, Mohsin Hussain from LiveRamp presented a thought-provoking talk on quantifying tech debt. He emphasized the importance of measuring this invisible burden to better communicate its impact on customer satisfaction. It resonated deeply with me, especially after a recent sprint review that felt like a tango performance gone wrong.

The High-Stakes Tango

We will now provide a very common scenario at the end of a sprint we unfortunately over promised and under delivered. We hadn't tackled all our tasks, but we'd managed to deliver a critical executive dashboard – the CEO's holy grail. We were proud, but a nagging bug still loomed.

Following the spirit of transparency, we decided to address the elephant in the room. We acknowledged the unresolved bug, expressing our regret for the delay. But here's the thing: challenges are inevitable in this dance. We emphasized that we weren't throwing in the towel – we'd proactively mitigated the impact.

The Power of Proactive Steps

Just like a skilled dancer anticipates their partner's next move, we knew we had to act. While tackling the bug, we also built another high-visibility dashboard. This one addressed a regression issue, a crucial task demanding meticulous data modeling and visualization. We showcased both our grit and proactive approach, demonstrating our commitment to staying ahead of the curve.

The Unexpected Twist (and a Lesson Learned)

Here's where our tango took a surprising turn. Inspired by our director of data science's passion for tango, we decided to inject some creativity into the review. Instead of a dry presentation, we planned a tango-themed exhibition!

Now, you might be thinking, "What does tango have to do with data engineering?" But the parallels were surprisingly striking. The intimacy of tango mirrored our deep dives into data, the precise footwork resonated with our attention to detail, and just like tango requires partner connection, our team's collaboration was vital.

This unorthodox approach served two purposes. First, it was a fun way to engage stakeholders. Second, it subtly highlighted the intricate nature of our work, the delicate balance between technical prowess and customer needs.

The Everlasting Tango

The Plato Elevate talk provided a valuable framework for quantifying tech debt using concepts of physics and finance, while our tango-themed review demonstrated the importance of clear communication. In the end, both emphasize the same point: the data engineer's dance with tech debt is a continuous process. We strive to make informed decisions, prioritizing customer value while keeping technical elegance in mind.

So, the next time you find yourself entangled with tech debt, remember:

This is just the beginning of my exploration of the tech debt tango. What are your thoughts? Share your experiences and reflections in the comments below – let's keep the conversation flowing!