A Practical Approach to Discovering Strengths: Coloring Exercises, Assessments, and Daily Stand-Ups

Article generated by copilot based on explorative research by Mary Loubele


At MyYL Tech, we firmly believe that understanding and leveraging individual strengths is crucial for building effective teams. In this blog post, we’ll delve into a hands-on approach to discovering your unique abilities through coloring exercises, assessments, and the power of daily stand-up meetings. Whether you’re aspiring to be the future CTO, CDO, CPO, or CEO or whatever other role you have in mind as your north star, this creative journey will empower you to recognize and leverage your strengths while fostering team collaboration.

1. Coloring as a Path to Self-Discovery

Why Coloring?

2. Getting Started


3. Exploring Strengths

It might feel weird to do a coloring exercise but in a later blog post we will show you how this actually can help you out to fill out all those long surveys or just not needing to fill these out any more. This is still something that is cooking at the moment, but that also allows for the people who are interested to participate in this discovery to have some time to feel comfortable again about their coloring skills. 

4. Team Building and Collaboration

Collaborative Canvas:

5. Daily Stand-Up Meetings: Strengthening Alignment

What is a Daily Stand-Up Meeting?

A daily stand-up meeting, also known as a daily Scrum, is a short team gathering held every day. Its purpose is to keep team members on the same page. During the stand-up:

Benefits of Daily Stand-Up Meetings

Running daily stand-up meetings offers several benefits:

Adding a Splash of Color to Your Stand-Up

Now, let’s infuse a bit of creativity into your daily stand-up: